Oyo APC crisis; Alao-Akala Writes Party, Plead for Unity


The then governor of Oyo State, Chief Adebayo Alao-Akala, a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress in Oyo State, has reiterated his commitment towards the sustainable growth of the party at the State.

Being the Chairman of the Elders’ Advisory Council of the Party, Chief Alao-Akala encouraged the Party faithfuls to mend the fence of differences amidst them in the Interest of the Party. He added that the success of the Party lies on the Strength and pillar of Unity of its members

In the letter, the former governor categorically vowed to maintain neutrality as he will not act undemocratically by imposing any candidate vying for any Political office on the party members. He stressed further that he is always willing to join hands together with the Party faithfuls to build a virile and strong party.

The former governor made this urge through his letter dated September 21, with the titled, ‘Oneness and progress: Our focus,’ read to party members.

The letter read:



Dear Party Faithfuls,


  1. I bring you good tidings in the name of the Almighty.
  2. As we are all aware, our great party the All Progressives Congress in Oyo State (A.P.C) has been through series of upheavals in recent past but I am glad to inform you officially that this has now become a thing of the past.
  3. All differences have been resolved and we have become a very happy, united and common front.
  4. All hatchets have been buried and all groups, bodies and forums have been collapsed into the A.P.C structure. What we have now is All Progressives Congress, Oyo State Chapter.
  5. Similarly, an Elders Advisory Council has also been put in place with my humble self as Head.
  6. Our core responsibilities shall among others include, promoting internal cohesion within the party, ensuring fairness and transparency in all activities of the party, maintaining a level playing ground for all, promoting justice and fair play in the party at all levels.
  7. This is a call to duty and service. It is a sacrifice and we are ready to put our best into ensuring that Oyo state regain it’s pride of place in the comity of states in our great country Nigeria.
  8. In light of the above, I want to re-assure you all great men and women of A.P.C in Oyo state that I, Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala remains neutral in the scheme of activities of the party.
  9. I am not in support of any aspirant for any elective office and will never go against the wish of the people.

I am an advocate of internal democracy that will promote oneness and progress.

I reiterate categorically that I am against imposition.

  1. I hitherto implore all members with aspiration to keep their ambition for now and join me and others in building a virile and strong party. I am always available and open to everyone.
  2. I hereby put all members on notice that an expanded, all inclusive meeting shall be held soon to further cement our oneness.
  3. I re-assure you all once again that I am committed to leading our party to victory come 2023.

Otunba (Dr.) Christopher Adebayo Alao-Akala

( Former Executive Governor of Oyo State and Chairman, A.P.C Elders Advisory Council.


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