Oyo Water Corporation Workers Protest Over Poor Funding,Lack Of Chemical, As Gridlock Rocks Oyo Government Secretariat


Oyo State Water Corporation Workers today the 15 on February embark on a peaceful Protest, demnading for their rights at the front of Oyo State Government Secretariat, Agodi Ibadan.

Akedeoyo.com Learnt that Oyo state water Corporation has been a mess of itself over the last decade,it’s an eye saw a civil servants who don’t want her name to be on print said.

The protest which lasted for hours ensure that both Civil servants, Politician could not get easy access to the entrance, as all entrance leading to secretariat was blocked with vehicles with protest inscription from the ministry of water Corporation.

The Protest by extension cause serious gridlock for motorist entering secretariat and those going to their different direction, it was a very hectic time for commercial motorist as they try to manover their way to their various route.

Recall that few weeks ago, workers of Oyo water Corporation began an indefinite strike action, despite the Protest, it’s not yet certain when the strike will be call-off.

Different Cars belonging to the ministry of water Corporation where used to block entrance to the secretariat main gate, with various inscription on the placards such as

” Provide portable water for people of Oyo state ”

” Don’t Kill Water of Oyo state ”

” Appoint a substantial General Manager ”

“Provide chemical so we can work ”

“Today is world water day but we are not celebrating ”

” Enough is enough of suffering and smiling in Oyo state water corporation workers ”

” Provide portable water b people of Oyo state ”

” where is one Billion Naira meant for chemicals ”

” Safe workers of Water Corporation from hunger”

Efforts by our Reports to get some Staffs intervied proved abortive, as they declined to talk to the press.

Men of the Security Operatives were fully on ground to arrest the situation, ensuring peace and orderliness.

Source Oyo Vanguard


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