HOW APC’s Honorable,Seyi Adisa oust others to be the most performing honourable in Oyo State


The Constitutional duties of the legislative arm of government at any level include; enacting new laws, amend or repeal existing law by providing mechanism of amendment and as well as carrying out an oversight functions.

This arm of government is often regarded as the backbone of any democracy as its sustain the doctrine of indirect representation and promulgation of policies for the well-being of the masses.

Unlike others, the ninth Oyo House of Assembly has refused to be intoxicated by the sheer redolence of power and have jettisoned self-seeking policies to promote it main aim of advancing the cause and interest of the people of Oyo State through effective legislation and representation for the past one year.

A review of the upbeat accomplishments made so far would make one appraise the level of intelligent and attitudinal stance of these resourceful Parliamentarians towards forestalling a legislative legacy that would stand the test of time.

These accomplishments are proven helpful to the advancement of the cause of the people in the State, and have begun to yield positive results that we can relate with at each Constituency’s level.

One of the most undeniable accomplishments that has made it’s way into the political history of the State and as well-mirrored people’s interest is the passing of 90 bills and motions into Law within one year of accountable governance. The bills include; Anti-Open grazing bill, Amotekun Security Corps bill, Oyo State anti-corruption Agency bill, bills for creation of additional ministries such as ministry of investment, trade and Industry, Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Public Works, Infrastructure and Transportation and Ministry of Woman Affairs and Social Inclusion. The passing of these bills, most especially the Amotekun Security Corps bill and Anti-Open grazing bill, the Oyo House of Assembly has made a giant strides towards curtailing the movement of herders from one place to the other indiscriminately and curb the excessive destruction of farm produce in the remote part of the country. Also, the creation of more ministries would help to address the specter of unemployment that has bedeviled Nigerian society from mid 1980s.

As part of its concerted efforts to accommodate the latest financial reality posed by the outbreak of convid19 pandemic, the honorable members of Oyo State house of Assembly made a remarkable and heroic step of downsizing their allowances by 30 percent. This heroic deed would not only enable the State government to effectively implement some of the proposed plans even with limited resource, but also help to instill in the consciousness of the people that the honorables have their interest in heart. More so, the reduction of the 2020 budget appropriations in the State from #213 billions to #174 billions as a result convid19 on the Gross Domestic Product approved in July this year is a strong indication that the honorable members are committed to the plight of common masses.

As a matter of public Importance and a way of performing its oversight functions, the Oyo State House of Assembly mandated the executive arm of government, through the Ministry of Health to investigate and identify people who had physical contact with the Ekiti coronavirus patient in Ibadan during the heat of the pandemic.

Efforts has been made to underscore the collective performances and accomplishments these Oyo

Parliamentarians over the last one year, necessity is however placed on us to use traditional Top 5, bottom 5 ranking systems to glue and assess the performances of each of these honorables over the last one year. We did a general overview of the works done by each of them, comparing these works with enormous resources at their disposal.

1. Hon. Seyi Adisa.

He is an APC Lawmaker representing Afijio State Constituency in the ninth Assembly. He made the first Top 5 highly ranked of the most performing lawmaker in the State House of Assembly.


As a way of boasting the small scale business in his Constituency, he facilitated a • financial empowerment worth of #5million for tradewomen and small scale enterprises.

• About 100 business traders enjoyed this empowerment. •

• He facilitated Direct employment for 22 Afijio’s Indigenes, partnered with Afijio’s Indigenes in diaspora to provide additional support for Police Force and

• Renovation of Awe Police Station,

• Renovation of classrooms block,

• 5 Transformers Installed, 6 more set to be, • Purchase of tractor for his Constituency, •Food relief for 5 families,
• 13 bolehole dug, 9 more set, •Entrepreneurial training and mentorship training for 100 youths
• Scholarships for 50 less privileged Afijio’s kids,

• Over 12,500 free educational materials, notes and textbooks,

• Facilitated capacity development for 50 teachers from all secondary schools in Afijio,

• Deployed sports to engage 144 Youth and took 6 for trials,

• Gave out free supplements & tools to farmers across Afijio,

• Facilitated access to loans and investors,

• Facilitated training secessions on agric-business,

• Two rounds of free medical outreaches that catered for over 3,000 people

• 41 successful Surgeries, thousands of free drugs, 160 medical eye glasses.),

•2,500 free face masks distributed,

• partnered with National Orientation Agency.

Apart from the listed projects, he sponsored 7 motions and 1 bill.

Hon Adebayo Babajide

He is the member representing Ibadan North Constituency II in the ninth Assembly, A member of the PDP. He made the Top 5 highly ranked member as the 2nd most performing lawmaker in the State House of Assembly.


Hon. Adebayo Babajide launched an education and safety support programme as he distributed over 10, 000 exercise books.

• Sanitary protection pads to indigent students in his constituency.

• Repair and Installation of 500KVA Transformer at Ojokodo Village, Agbowo area.

• Construction of modern toilets Abidina Basic school, IMG Primary school and Community Basic school 1.

• Renovation of proposed office of Irepodun LCDA,

• Rehabilitation of motorized boreholes at Sango Police barracks, Onifade Street, Adamasingba Okoro, Transformation of handpump boreholes to motorized boreholes at Ladimeji Street, Mokola, Mammy market area, Oke- Itunu,

• Construction of fence and new gate at IMG Primary school and Alaafia Community school at Mokola.

Drilling and Installation of motorised boreholes at Alaro Compound, Sango Ibadan.

He distributed Palliatives to his Constituents and facilitate few programmes.

3. Rt. Hon Adebo Ogundoyin

Rt. Hon Ogundoyin is a returning member and the current speaker of the Oyo State House of Assembly, A member of the PDP, he is representing Ibarapa East State State Constituency.

He made the Top 5 rank as the 3rd most performing lawmaker graded according to their performances in office over the last one year.


He has shown remarkable Leadership skill and has made difficult decisions in spite of criticisms hurled at him from different angles.

• Some of the toughest decisions he made was the passing of the Amotekun Corp bill and the Anti-Open grazing bill into Law.

The enrollment of the Youth of Ibarapa East Local government the National Industrial Skills Development Program (NISDP) is one notable achievement of the speaker.

• The participants were not just trained, but were certified and financially equipped to start up domestic installation and wiring.

• Distribution of palliative, Relief materials to the people of his Constitency.

• Construction of the first secondary school in Temidire, Ibarapa East six standard classrooms, a staff room and offices for principal staff.

More so, the approval of National Orientation Agency was a huge success for him as it helps to establish a robust relationship between the honorables and their Constituencies.

He distributed relief materials and facilitate many other projects.


He co-sponsored the bill of Lanlate College of Education to Oyo State College of Education.

Hon. Fola Oyekunle

He is a member of the PDP,Lawmaker representing Ibadan North Constituency 1 at the State House of Assembly .

He made the Top 5 rank as the fourth most performing lawmaker graded according to their performances in office over the last one year.


In his consistent drive and push, the Lawmaker successfully passed bills that arrest the most pressing challenges in his Constituency and for the State at large.

The bills include; Amendment of Agency for youth development bill 2020 motions supported: contributed to motions on violence against women,Motion on the agbowo shopping complex, Motion on the reinstatement of workers unjustly sacked.

Beyond his Legislative roles, he embarked on projects that addressed the need of the people.

These Include;

• Empowerment of 500 young girls with distribution of books,

• Sanitary pads and payment of school fees, plus 200 Aged women across all the wards in his constituency with 10,000 to strengthen their businesses,

• Scholarship for 3 secondary school participants of the Fola oyekunle Debate competition,

• Visitation to the Orphanages in his constituency, Over 250,000 monthly intervention grant,

• Settling the bills of 50 hospitalized patients across health centres in his constituency,

• Nomination of 2 members to the Ibadan North Local Government Caretaker Committee,

• Supported the purchase of transformer cable at P&T Junction in ward2,

• Constant consultation with security agencies aimed at strengthening security operations in the constituency,

• Facilitated the 39million Naira reward for athletes at the 2018 National sports festival in Abuja,

•Distribution of palliatives to over 1,500 people in the constituency with a token to help our people in this trying times,

• Overseeing the function of house committee on youth development,

• Water project at Ibadan North 1.

Hon Adebisi Yusuf

He is the youngest parliamentarian in the house of Assembly Representing Ibadan South West .

He made the Top 5 rank as the fifth most performing lawmaker graded according to their performances in office over the last one year.

• He empowered over 200 Youths in his Ibadan South West Constituency 1 on Entrepreneur Skills with an additional #20,000 each to enhance productive and self-reliance.

Recall that in August 2019, a similar programme was organised by this honourable where about 40 youth benefited in the Vocational training programme.

He proposed Police Station at Gege-Olopa and solar light at Ibadan South West State Constituency.

•Distributed Convid-19 relief materials and award Contracts for road Construction and renovation of Health Centre.

• He moved the Motion for Oyo State Youth Agency Bill 2020.


The traditional ranking of top 5, approach is a major way to measure the performances of office holders, comparing them with their counterparts and help to see how well they have fared in their positions. It will also help the Constituents to be informed about the performances of their representative at the State level.

We therefore want to state categorically that this publication is not, in any way political motivated. But rather, a way of engendering competitive spirit between and among the honorable members to live to expectations reposed on them by their Constituents

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