Ongoing Renovation Meant To Enhance Better Service – UCH PRO


The Public Relations Officer, University College Hospital, UCH, Ibadan, Oyo State, Mr Toye Akinrinlola has said that the ongoing renovation of the hospital is aimed at enhancing an attainment of better service after completion.

Akinrinlola, in a release he personally signed and made available to newsmen said that the current rehabilitation of the college hospital was to ensure its aesthetics and general attainment of effective delivery to the patients and other public to the medical institution.

He stressed that the ongoing renovation has no doubt brought temporary hardship and inconvenience to the patients and others in the hospital but its completion would bring relief to the affected public and feasibility of better service.

He added that the management of the college hospital did not mean to cause undue hardship, inconvenience and pains to the patients and others in the place but decided to renovate the place so as to bring better and effective services to all and sundry.

He also said that the contractors handling the project were working round the clock to ascertain that task completes within the limited time frame and be useful to all publics who are in connection with the medical institution.

In another development, Akinrinlola on behalf of the Chief Medical Director (CMD) and other members of management felicitated the Christian faithful on occasion of easter festivity.

He charged them to learn many lessons from the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who died for the living and sustenance of all.

He equally called on Christian adherents and the good people of the state to pray for the progress of medical institution and sustained peace in Oyo State, Nigeria and world at large.


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