(NEW ALAAFIN) Oyo Youths, Residents Okays Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu

  • We are good to go with Prince Siyanbola. He’s accessible, approachable, and dependable at all times. He will carry youths along

One year after the demise of Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, ‘The Ikubabayeye of Oyo’ Residents has begun to show solidarity with the candidature of Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu to be the next Alaafin of Oyo.


Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu is of the Oladigbolu ruling house. Hee’s the youngest among the over 68 shortlisted candidates eyeing the throne of their forefather.


Akede Oyo Crew in a separate interview across different communities in Oyo, notice that residents are of the opinion that the Oladigbolu ruling house should unanimously present the young and vibrant Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu, who many on the streets are rooting for, they argue that he’s well equiped both Locally and internationally, his experience will drive the kingdoms infrastructural development to an enviable position.

Others opine that he’s well refine and has the disposition of the Oyo Royal stool, many talked about his accessibility and how humble he Carries himself, “it will be the beginning of many open doors for us if Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu is picked as the next Alaafin of Oyo, others are good no doubt but he’s special” — Kafikat Adenike Opines.


A trader Olawore Sofiat 32, an Oyo Indigene “Every King Comes with it’s peculiarity, but as a trader it’s not hard to identify what Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu will mean if he emerge the next Alaafin, to me he has what we call “Aje” meaning- Wealth Aura, it means there will be prosperity in our businesses by so doing, our economy will grow and we will all live in peace and tranquility.

Adeoye Babatope a fashion designer in Owode, Call on the Oyo-mesi to make the right decision by choosing the young Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu, he argued that prince has a reputation similar to that of the late Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III, “The longer a king last on the throne of his forefathers the better the community benefits from his longevity, he will breath fresh ideas into the kingdom, while bringing many developmental milestones uninterrupted for many years”.

A Renowned Architect Abiodun Salaam told Akede Oyo Crew, that as for him, he will align with the candidate who has international exposure, when question on who among the candidates jostling for the position tick his box, he pointedly said Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu, “any King who has rich traveling exposure will breath a different reign on his subjects, he knows what the advanced countries look like, he understands how to grow and promote our cultural heritage, He has all it takes to reposition the social and economic life of this ancient city.”


Adewumi Mutiat Obalolu a petty trader, in her own view said just few of the princes have a close relationship with the people, it was after the demise of late Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III that we get to know so many of this princes, Only Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu and one other shows they’re for us, He Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu identified with us, he’s always been of help to us in many ways, he cares about our businesses, most times he organizes empowerment for traders, he’s a man with a large heart. I pray the Oyo-mesi choose right, if it’s left for me and my co-traders the Omoluabi ethos in Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu is top notch and deserving of a King.


Rahma Olajide also an Indigene of Oyo Town, when ask about his opinion and preferred candidate to the throne he said, “The whole process is tiring, We can only hope and pray that the decisions of the Oyo-mesi and government did not drastically affect the whole process, since whoever emerge will be king over us, the Oyo-mesi should also haken to our demands and ensure that the most talked about prince emerge as our next Alaafin, I think Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu has been long prepared for this assignment most people love him, because of his simplicity.

Oyo Youths, a group of Youths who were seen relaxing in Akesan Market Area,in there separate encounter use the opportunity to highlight why the next Alaafin is important to them as Youths and also Oyo social economy advancement. Tola said as Youths if a youth emerge as our next Alaafin there will be this sense of belonging that he’s also in our category, it will be a push for us to use him as an inspiration and encouragement, He will also have a youth driving vision on how to help and lift many of us living in penury, All we need is a traditional leader who will take us off the street, do you think we all wanted to be here Kola ask? We learn one trade or the other, what some of us needed is just a moral booster, royal blessings and cut clear youth driving vision. To us Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu is a prince we’ve been able to identify with if he eventually becomes our king, a lot of us on the streets will surely leave the streets, Because we believe that he has the vision and what it takes to change our story to good, they also use the opportunity to call on the chiefs in the selection process ‘Oyomesi’ And governor Seyi Makinde to fast track the process, and give them a traditional leader that is well accepted by all, which they believe is Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu.

Obasekore Taofeek argued that a king who has good education will understand and priorities education to accelerate and sustain the growth of his subjects, as for me one man ticks that box, and it’s no other than the young Prince Siyanbola Oladigbolu, He’s well educated, calm and collected, has been visibly seen over time, Identifying with his people, providing various degrees of assistance to them, though I’m not a beneficiary of his benevolence yet but that’s how a true king behaves, the welfare of his subjects is paramount to him, this and many more I’ve heard about him, convinced me to root for him, and I can tell you that his name is on the lips of every Oyo son’s and daughters. The feeling is great. Wee can only pray and hope the Oyo-mesi chooses right.

Meanwhile the process is still ongoing as to who the next Alaafin of Oyo will be, No doubt the Oyo-mesi has one of the most difficult task in hand, as they continue to the process of choosing the right and best candidate for the stool of Alaafin of Oyo. Who gets the crown remains the general street question in Oyo Alaafin…..


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